Despite some flaws, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice is a refined sequel that offers plenty of high speed action-packed fun.
Pursuit Force is a non-stop thrill ride from beginning to end with only a few hiccups.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the superior version and because of the Switch’s portability, the experience can be enjoyed on-the-go.
Mario Kart Wii is an extremely unbalanced game. It can be a lot of fun but also very frustrating.
Mario Kart 64 introduces several mechanics that have since become series staples but the cart handling has only gotten worse with age.
Full Auto is by far one of the most underrated racing games out there and also one of the best for the Xbox 360.
Rage excels at being a first-person shooter and features phenomenal gunplay but everything else about it falls into mediocrity.
Super Mario Kart is the foundation for one of the most popular video game racing franchises in history and still holds up rather well.
Vigilante 8 Arcade combines elements from the classic games but feels half-baked and is not a good representation of the series.
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense is a great vehicular combat game and sequel with cool new mechanics and action-packed gameplay.