Posts tagged contra

Blazing Chrome for PC Review

Blazing Chrome is the new Contra game we’ve all been waiting for. It’s fast-paced, action packed, and a kick-ass good time.

Contra: Hard Corps Review

Only through memorization and dedication can one truly survive the punishment that is Contra: Hard Corps, one of the best games in the Contra series.

Super Cyborg Review

A frustrating experience that attempts to replicate the earlier Contra series. Super Cyborg is not a game for the faint of heart.

Neo Contra Review

Neo Contra is far from being the worst game in the Contra series. It still maintains the same core gameplay as previous entries with one major change that is essentially the cause for all of the backlash.

Hard Corps: Uprising for Xbox 360 Review

A Contra game through and through, Hard Corps: Uprising is one of the best games in the series.

Contra: Shattered Soldier Review

In keeping with the same core gameplay as previous games, Contra: Shattered Soldier is a brutally difficult fast-paced and action packed side scrolling shooter that will test your patience.