Midtown Madness 3 is fun but sticks with the tried and true formula so don’t expect a lot of surprises.
Midtown Madness 2 is bigger and better than its predecessor and while it is fun, the developers could have squeezed more out of it.
Midtown Madness is a fun racing game set in a recreation of Chicago, allowing for an amount of freedom that was impressive for its time.
Despite some flaws, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice is a refined sequel that offers plenty of high speed action-packed fun.
Driver 3 is a big disappointment and feels like it’s stuck in the past. It’s bland and buggy and fails to deliver any kind of excitement.
The Simpsons: Road Rage is far from the best Simpsons game to come along. It has its moments but it lacks depth and originality.
Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 may not be the most innovative vehicular combat game but it’s a hell of a good time.
Burnout Revenge gives you more of what you love and then some. And now you can punt traffic vehicles because it’s awesome.
Rollcage Extreme is the “reboot” of Rollcage Stage II, a sequel that adds more content and variety, and is more accessible than its predecessor.
Gas Guzzlers Extreme is a combat racing game that’s really fun and intense and is only marred by frame rate problems.