Posts tagged eduke

Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon Review

Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon is one of the greatest video game modifications ever made.

Duke Nukem Forever 2013 & DLC Level Pack Review

Duke Nukem Forever 2013 attempts to deliver the Duke Nukem Forever experience that was shown in 2001 and the result is better than the official game released in 2011.

Duke Nukem 3D & Duke Nukem 64 Mod Review

One of the greatest shooters ever released. This review will cover Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, Megaton Edition, the 20th Anniversary World Tour edition, and the Duke Nukem 64 Mod. We also cover the official expansions; Duke it out in D.C., Duke Caribbean: Life’s a Beach, and Duke: Nuclear Winter.