Posts tagged light gun

The House of the Dead 4 for PlayStation 3 Review

The House of the Dead 4 is a lot like the previous games but is still a good time and definitely worth playing if you’re itching for a good rail shooter.

The House of the Dead III for PlayStation 3 Review

If you’re looking for a rail shooter that supports PlayStation Move, The House of the Dead III is a must-play.

The House of the Dead 2 for Wii Review

The House of the Dead 2 is a cheesy and charming rail shooter experience and one of the best on the Wii.

Target: Terror for Wii Review

Target: Terror is a cheesy and somewhat enjoyable rail shooter and the Wii port is definitely rough around the edges.

Ghost Squad for Wii Review

Ghost Squad is a great rail shooter for the Wii and despite its short length, it has a lot of replay value.

Dead Space: Extraction for PlayStation 3 Review

Dead Space: Extraction may not convey the same sense of dread as the original Dead Space but it’s one of the best rail shooters for consoles.

The House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut Review

The House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut is an enhanced version of the Wii game, includes new content, and is the definitive experience.

Time Crisis: Razing Storm & Time Crisis 4 Review

Time Crisis: Razing Storm could have been so much more and even combined on the same disk with Time Crisis 4 doesn’t make up for either game’s shortcomings like being extremely short in length. Third game on the disk, Deadstorm Pirates, was reviewed separately.