Posts tagged metropolis street racer

Project Gotham Racing 4 Review

Project Gotham Racing 4 introduces some cool new stuff and makes for an excellent send off for the classic racing franchise.

Project Gotham Racing 3 Review

Despite some of its shortcomings, Project Gotham Racing 3 is fun to play and proves that the series still remains unique in the genre.

Project Gotham Racing 2 Review

Project Gotham Racing 2 is an ambitious title that takes everything that was great about the previous games and amplifies it.

Project Gotham Racing Review

Project Gotham Racing is the successor to Metropolis Street Racer. It improves upon the formula, resulting in a fun and addictive experience.

Metropolis Street Racer Review

Metropolis Street Racer is the predecessor to the Project Gotham Racing series and one of the best racing games on the Dreamcast.