Posts tagged mod

Brutal Wolfenstein 3D Review

Brutal Wolfenstein 3D is a Doom II mod that recreates Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny, with the awesome Brutal Doom style of gameplay.

Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon Review

Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon is one of the greatest video game modifications ever made.

Perfected Doom 3 Review

Perfected Doom 3 is an incredible modification that makes for a more enjoyable Doom 3 experience.

RealRTCW 5.0 Review

RealRTCW 5.0 is the definitive way to experience Return to Castle Wolfenstein. That’s all that needs to be said.

Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age Review

Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age may not be official but it is an expansion worth playing through.

Star Fox: EX Review

Star Fox EX includes a lot of new content and customization options. It’s huge, impressive, and a must play.

Call of Duty: United Fronts Review

Call of Duty: United Fronts combines the vanilla game with the expansion and includes a ton of new missions. It’s a must play modification.

Laz Rojas’ WolfenDoom Review

WolfenDoom is a mod that brings Wolfenstein 3D into Doom and, as a result, the gameplay that is carried over benefits from the features of the newer engine.

Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza Improved Edition Review

Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza is terrible and the Improved Edition is a mod that changes some things for the better.

Payne Evolution Review

Payne Evolution is a mod for Max Payne 2 that attempts to replicate the gameplay of Max Payne 3 and includes a significant amount of additional content.