Posts tagged strategy

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Review

Pikmin 3 delivers more of the goods. More adorable strategy action gameplay and Deluxe is by far the superior version.

Pikmin 2 (NPC) for Wii Review

Pikmin 2 is bigger and better than the first with all new challenges to overcome and plenty of content to keep players occupied.

Pikmin (NPC) for Wii Review

Pikmin is a unique, charming and adorable strategy game that’s easy to jump into and also challenging enough to keep you engaged.

Warcraft III (Classic) Review

Warcraft III’s blend of RTS and RPG elements make for a fun and unique experience with a lot of depth.

The Unholy War Review

The Unholy War is a fun but unbalanced strategy game that features a good blend of turn-based strategy and real-time battles.